WASHINGTON -- Maybe Sidney Crosby is a fan of Jay's or maybe he was upset at not being invited to Dave's Super Bowl bash with Oprah, but folks around the NHL sure would be interested in learning even one of No. 87's reasons for rejecting David Letterman's invitation to host his Top Ten while the Golden Boy was in New York this week.
Upon learning of the snub, Slap Shots was told that this wasn't the first time Crosby, who last year declined to appear on NBC's "Today" show following Pittsburgh's Stanley Cup victory, had rejected a request from Letterman's "Late Show."
We only can imagine the demands on Crosby's time. Yet, in the days that hockey was front-page and back- page material after Canada gold, U.S. silver in overtime attracted more television viewers in the States than any game since the Lake Placid Miracle in 1980, it's difficult to understand why the NHL's most recognizable player and ambassador refused to spread the gospel.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/more_sports/sid_blows_nhl_golden_chance_22VH7UimsoimIdQfehXQTJ#ixzz0habQMa4f
Typical move by a hockey player that's on top of the world. This is why Sidney Crosby will never be the best player in the NHL. This is why he'll never be the face of the NHL. Most importantly, this is why the NHL will never compete with the NFL to be the best pro sport in America. Do you think Tom Brady or Peyton Manning turn down this type of opportunity after winning the Super Bowl and a gold medal?
This is his chance to promote himself, the NHL, and the team and he turns it down.
And that my friends, is exactly what the NHL needs. They need someone to step up and represent them. All Sid the Kid had to do was go on Leno say a few things about how the Olympics were great for hockey, talk about his experience growing up as a kid with hockey being the only thing and he cared about and he would of helped the sport.
Instead, he was a selfish scum bag. Claiming he had other shit to do. Give me a break, there is no way in hell you had something else to do that was more important to promote the game you love. So give me Alexander Ovechkin 10 times out of 10. He's a better person, a better player, and a better choice to be the face of the NHL.
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