Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Erykah Badu Desperately Seeking Attention, Wanted to Get Arrested for Video

Provocative R&B star Erykah Badu wanted to make her "Window Seat" video even more controversial -- by getting arrested during the shoot. The singer/songwriter rips off her clothes in front of complete strangers in the promo, which was filmed in public at Dealey Plaza, the tourist hotspot in Dallas where President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963.

But she was hoping for some even more headline-grabbing scenes -- she deliberately attempted to get seized by police officers for filming without a permit. The promo's producers, duo Coodie and Chike, even had bail money on hand to free Badu from the cells when the shoot was over -- but the plan fell flat when local cops failed to notice the film crew.

Here we have another fading star desperately seeking attention by any means necessary. Stripping naked in public and pretending to be shot in the place where JFK was assassinated will certainly get you some attention. As will getting thrown in jail for such a display, which is apparently why Erykah Badu was willing to accept the consequences. It’s sad that her career has gone so far down the tubes that she has to resort to this kind of thing.

It blows my mind that some people can defend this disgusting display as art. If any normal citizen did what she did they would be prosecuted as a sex offender and labeled both un-American and a freak. Badu is mocking one of the most beloved presidents in American history in the place where he was tragically shot and killed. It’s not art. It’s sick.

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