Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Asian woman survives 3000 foot plunge

A skydiver miraculously survived after plummeting 3,000 feet to the ground when her parachute became tangled, The Sun reported Tuesday.

Lareece Butler escaped with bruises, a broken leg and concussion after slamming into the ground in South Africa.

The mother of one leaped from a plane with a parachute which opened automatically but suffered problems within seconds of exiting the aircraft.

Her boyfriend watched from the ground in horror as she spiraled downwards before crashing into a field on Saturday.

Skydive manager Joos Vos said Tuesday the novice jumper was very lucky to be alive.

Bad ass skydiver or what?

Imagine jumping out of a plane 3,000 feet high only to not have a working parachute. That must absolutely suck. The feeling going through your head for the free fall must be pure agony, just imagining what it's going to be like when you hit the ground.

Now imagine what it feels like if you survive that. Must be the best feeling in the world. I still can't believe that bitch survived this plummet. Too bad she wasted all her good luck on surviving this crash, imagine if she chose to play the lottery or a scratch ticket during the 5 minute free fall. She'd almost certainly be rich, instead she just has a story to tell her grand children.

Too bad.

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