Seriously, what the hell is going on here? In the past 2 months alone, we’ve had essentially a hurricane in the middle of winter, accumulating snow in the South, one of the deadliest earthquakes ever in Haiti (200,000+ people dead), the lowest recorded temperature in Key West in about 150 years, the most snow DC has ever seen, one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded in Chile (8.8 on the Richter Scale) followed up by a 33-foot high tsunami (also in Chile) and tsunami warnings from Hawaii to Japan to Russia. **According to scientists, the Earthquake in Chile moved the Earth off its axis by 3 inches, shortened the day by a few millionths of a second, and raised the ground level of one island in Chile by 6 feet.... I don’t care about the size of the numbers here… the earthquake moved the Earth off its axis and shortened the day!!! Are you f***ing serious!?!?
All that happened in the past 2 months! Let’s not forget the crazy New England ice storm from last winter, the earthquake in China in 2008 (70,000 dead), and the deadly tsunami in Asia in 2004 (200,000+ dead). What’s next, a meteor shower Armageddon-style?
I’ve done some thinking, and here are some possible explanations that I’ve come up with:
-El Nino has bypassed puberty and is now a full grown El Padre,
-God has chosen a new method of population control because we breed like rabbits,
-Nostradamus is giving us a preview of December 2012,
-Satan is currently banging Mother Nature, or
-Al Gore is putting his plan into motion to take over the world via global warming

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