BOSTON -- Mayor Tom Menino was at it again today in the middle of honoring Bruins legend Bobby Orr with the statue unveiling of "The Goal" outside TD Garden near the West Entrance.
The mayor said the statue captured an "ionic" moment, and also asserted that Red Sox catcher Jason Varitek was the field-goal kicker who pushed the New England Patriots to their first Super Bowl victory:
"Boston has an amazing set of remarkable athletes whose actions in the moment have become (sic) ionic in sports. Havlicek stole the ball. Fisk waved the ball fair. Flutie launched the Hail Mary pass. Varitek split the uprights. Today we honor one of the most brilliant moments: Bobby Orr flying through the air. Who could forget that play against St. Louis as the Bruins beat the Blues to bring a Stanley Cup to Boston?"
*Audio clip to be added shortly.
Time and time again Boston Mayor, Thomas Menino makes himself look a total clown and time and time again the people living in Massachusetts continue to elect this guy as mayor of a city he knows absolutely nothing about. I flat out don't can't believe this shit. Varitek splits the uprights? Ionic in sports? WTF is he talking about. He is butchering, potentially the most important moments in the history of Boston sports, hell Boston for that matter.
Menino is an absolute babbling bastard who needs to go take some basic English and reading classes, learn how not to mumble then go watch a fucking Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins, and Celtics game before the whole city of Boston loses it.
You know Thomas Menino is kind of like that girlfriend who doesn't know shit about sports and every time she tries to talk about spor-- I mean speak, she makes your ears bleed and your stomach feel like you're going to puke.
What a pathetic piece of shit.
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