Monday, February 1, 2010

Who Knew This Was Called The Ballcock?

So I'm watching Cash Cab this morning and Big Ben Baily ask's the contestants what the device is called in a toilet that controls flushing and filling the tank.  Still half asleep, I hear the answer is "Ballcock", and immediately jump out of bed and Ask Jeeves if this was a joke.  Sure enough, Cash Cab doesn't lie and this here is known as the "Ballcock"!  It's quite possible this is common knowledge, but I don't have a background in plumbing or shitters, so if you knew this just sit back and enjoy the ride anyways!  
So now that Jeeves confirmed this was indeed the Ballcock, I moved on to my next recognized source, Wikipedia. 
"A ballcock (also balltap or float valve) is a mechanism for filling water tanks, such as those found in flush toilets, while avoiding overflow. It was invented by Thomas Crapper."
Timeout, I've just struck gold for the second time in a matter of 5 minutes.  I suppose this is where the term, "I gotta take a crap" originated?  So from here I dug up some dirt on Mr. Crapper.
"Thomas P. Crapper (baptised 28 September 1836 - died 27 January 1910) was a plumber who founded Thomas Crapper & Co. Ltd. in London. Contrary to widespread misconceptions, Crapper did not invent the toilet. He did, however, do much to increase the popularity of the toilet, and did develop some important related inventions, such as the ballcock." 
At this point I'm just appauled at the life accomplishments of Sir Thomas Crapper.  Dude was the SHIT!(no pun intended)  Wiki then goes on to add how Crapper advertised his business on "Manholes", which are the top openings to an underground utility vault.
"The manhole covers with Crapper's company's name on them in Westminster Abbey are now a minor tourist attraction." 
Could Wikipedia fit any other poop innuendo's into this tale?  Moral of the story, Thomas Crapper is the most underrated plumber/industrialist in the history of poop.  Let's take a minute and pour out some liquor for this dude.  Amen!

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