Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Day In The Life Of Dustin "GI JOE" Pedroia

One of Boston's finest, Dustin Pedey, opens up to WEEI to take us into his offseason workout routine followed by a personal tour of his crib.  After watching the workout, you will notice it's not exactly too strenuous compared to some of the sports' other elite athletes, which gives us a clear explanation as to why Pedey is the player he is.  Gifted with a swing of a giant coupled by a belly of an average 26 year old Joe, he clearly doesn't feel the need to get all jacked up on steel.  Dustin jokes around by curling some 20lb bells muttering how his bicepts are his specialty.  I don't know how he does what he does and I don't think he has any better idea,  but somehow he still manages to pull a hot piece of ham.  
As long as he keeps hitting .300/100/100, play all the Call of Duty you want you little Tupac loving mouse you.

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