Thursday, February 11, 2010

Daily Douche: TV Smasher On The Juice

Man Walks Into Wal-Mart, Smashes 29 TVs With Bat  
"Ga. Police Say Man Walked Into Wal-Mart, Grabbed Baseball Bat And Smashed 29 Flat-screen TVs

(AP) LILBURN, Ga. (AP) - Police in Georgia say a 23-year-old man grabbed a baseball bat inside of a Walmart and smashed 29 flat-screen televisions. Police in Lilburn near Atlanta have charged Westley Strellis with 29 counts of criminal damage to property in the second degree. Witnesses tell police he grabbed a metal baseball bat from the sporting goods section Wednesday, walked to the electronics department and destroyed the TVs on display.  He was arrested not long after that.  Police say the televisions are valued at over $22,000. Police say they do not know whether Strellis has an attorney."
Leave it up to Hotlanta huh.  They're so hard down in the ATL that they don't even bother stealing TVs, they just  stroll in to the local Walmart, grab a metal bat and go hulk on a wall LCD's.  The best part of this is how this douche takes his time going down the line knocking each one out with one fell swoop.  Guarantee he had "in the air tonight" bumping in his iPod while he went down the line, but ran out of TV's to smash before he got to the excelled drummer verse.  The trials and tribulations of being a convict TV smasher.  Hope you have fun sacking up to those 29 accounts of criminal damage buddy.  Keep your tips up and I'm sure you're all for dropping the soap.  

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