Monday, February 8, 2010

Adam Sandler Voted Most Famous Living Granite-Stater

"Adam Sandler made his fellow students laugh so much during his days at Manchester Central High School that he was named "class comedian."
More than 20 years later, that same free spirit is earning the actor a reported $20 million or more a movie. And his motion pictures collectively have grossed more than $2 billion worldwide.
Sandler proved the runaway favorite as the most famous living Granite Stater in a survey conducted last week. The 1984 Central grad proved more popular than Aerosmith lead singer Steven Tyler or "The Da Vinci Code" author Dan Brown, who finished second and fourth, respectively.
"Everyone in America has heard of all three, " said NBA player Matt Bonner, a Concord native, "but if you took the average Joe off the street in Nigeria, Iran or Vietnam, they might not listen to Aerosmith or read about professor Langdon's adventures (in Brown's books), but I bet they've seen an Adam Sandler movie."
"Gold jacket, green jacket, who gives a shit?" If anyone but Adam Sandler won this award I might have chopped my left stone off.  This couldn't be any easier of a question could it?  Sandler is clearly the most famous person to come out of NH.  Matt Bonner, a ghostly legend himself, put it best as he stated above that any jamope off the streets would recognize an Adam Sandler flick.  Hell, the majority of Gen-Y, Gen-X, and Gen Z'ers in the United States could probably quote a line, mimmic him, and tell you what jersey he wore in Happy Gilmore.  Bottom line is, he's the most recognizable figure out of NH, and he's got my vote any day of the week.  

Peow pewo, Shootahhhh!

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